Young people for Participation, Future and Human Rights
In our FUTURE KIDS series, we have initiated projects for over 20 years to empower the voices of young people, introduce them to the field of children's and human rights, strengthen their active participation through their creative means of expression, and ensure their voices are heard.
The spectrum of activities ranges from screenplay/film workshops to children's/human rights projects to the establishment of student newspapers.
Following, you will find a small selection of our projects.

World Girls Day Berlin-Mitte | The Magazine

Time frame: July to November 2019

All started in 2011, when October 11 was declared to the International Day of the Girl Child. Since then, many supporters around the world, in more than 70 countries, are organizing actions to raise awareness of the rights of girls and women. Together they want to achieve a true equality of girls and women, because millions of girls and women in the world still cannot live a self-determined life.

Together with a team of young reporters, we accompanied the World Girls' Day 2019 in Berlin-Mitte and reported in a magazine on regional campaigns and other topics on the rights of girls and women - worldwide. (German language)


Time frame: 12 to 14 June, 2019



Within the framework of the prevention program Respekt Coaches we have initiated a Human Rights workshop at the Gretel-Bergmann Gemeinschaftsschule in Berlin-Marzahn. The students of the 8th grade have raised their voices on human rights - with buttons, a banner for the school cafeteria, a sticker campaign and public posts on the schoolyard to their most important human rights.

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Youths for Youths

Time frame: April to August, 2019

DEMOKRATIE | Youths for Youths | Intro


We have trained eight young girls with a refugee background (10 to 14 years) to young children’s rights mentors. Peer-to-peer, they passed on their knowledge to their age group after a competence workshop on children's rights in various action spaces. Only within the framework of the workshop, around 70 other young people were reached and became enthusiastic about the topic.


Newspaper project with young refugees



The students of several language learning classes give their voices in our newspaper project TON DER FREIHEIT power and reach. Most of the participants are young refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Their topics, stories and perspectives on their new life in Germany as well on their homelands create this special format.

MY WAY | 1st Edition (German)

Oct. 2016 to Jan. 2017

HOME | 2nd Edition (German)

March to June 2017

FRIENDS | 3rd Edition (German)

Sept. 2017 to Jan. 2018

DREAMS | 4th Edition (German)

February to June 2018


TON DER FREIHEIT was awarded with the – Respekt Gewinnt – prize in 2018.


Time frame: October, 2015 to January, 2016


In the course of our Children's Rights AG at the Willy-Brandt-Schule the students of the ninth grade go for the Rights of the Child. As a focal point, the students take a closer look at Article 12 [Respect for the views of the child] and Article 13 [Freedom of Expression] of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by designing a graffiti in the school building.

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Time frame: January to March, 2015


FUTURE KIDS | Rechte | DSG_Intro


In the course of our Children's Rights workshop at the Deutsch-Skandinavische Gemeinschaftsschule in Berlin-Tempelhof, students of the fifth grade dedicated themselves to the subject Children's Rights, in particular to the topic Child Poverty. They call for solidarity for children living in poverty in Germany and particularly for refugee children in Berlin, for which they have initiated a fundraising campaign.


T-Shirts for Children's Rights

To make their voices to this topic audible and visible in a long term, they visualised their statements into T-shirt logos. In a children's rights spring party with further highlights they presented this unique T-shirts.

All Projects © FUTURE VOICE, All rights reserved